It is Christmas Eve and we have a busy day ahead with family coming over to celebrate! The puppies are doing fantastic and they are growing like little weeds! They have not been able to venture outside yet because our weather has been horrible...the grass is wet, muddy, and cold. I hope we will get some dry days next week so they can go out to play for a little while.
They got their first baths yesterday, got their nails trimmed, and got some new pictures taken. I like taking pictures, as you know, and I always hope they will stay still long enough so the picture is not blurry! The puppies are eating 3 times a day now of Life's Abundance dog food that is softened with warm water. They love the food and they eat it very quickly! They still nurse about 5-6 times a day, but Stella is decreasing the nursing time, probably due to their sharp little teeth...! Stella is so cute with her kids...she lies down and rolls around while the puppies climb on her and chew on her face. I keep on eye on them just in case Stella gets a little too wound up and forgets they are only around 6-7 lbs. Stella loves her babies immensely...
I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!